
Concha Garcia de Pablos  (Madrid, 1957)


Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Miguel Hernández.

Tiene su estudio y residencia en Altea - Alicante, España.

Artista polifacética que alterna pintura, collage, grabado y arte público. Con un largo curriculum de exposiciones tanto nacionales como internacionales. Sus obras forman parte del fondo cultural de colecciones públicas y privadas.

En pintura utiliza tanto óleo como una técnica muy antigua, llamada "encáustica" que tras una larga investigación, recupera y renueva, incorporando nuevos materiales que confieren a su trabajo un carácter muy personal.


Bachelor of Arts at the Miguel Hernandez University, her studio and residence are in Altea, Alicante, Spain.

Versatile artist that alternates painting, engraving, collage and public art, she has carried out quite a few exhibitions in Spain and abroad.

Her art works are already part of cultural funds of public and private collections. She uses oil painting and a very ancient technique called "encaustic painting" already used by the Greeks as far back as the 5th century B.C., a process of painting with molten wax, resin and other elements that, after a large investigation, she recovers and improves with new materials, giving to her work a very personal character.